“Game changing relationships”

Helping Relationships Go Higher



Taking the rules of the game and applying it to marriages, relationships, life and family. Motivating others to stay focused, learn how to play the game so that they can win.


Football player catching ball



Your opponent do not want you to win. He has been watching your every move. He monitors your strengths and what makes you weak. He knows what keeps you going and exactly what causes you to stumble and fall.

Episode 2

Episode 3


Marriage is serious business. It is a covenant connection that the two of you made to each other. A promise and a vow. One that should never be broken. Of course things get hard, but you must use your strength and endurance to see things through.

Episode 4


Love is all you need to succeed. So in your marriage union, only one wife is necessary. There's simply no reason for another or even someone else on the side. That's corrupt thinking as well as irresponsible behavior. Marriage is built for two not three.


Do not take your relationships lightly. This is a journey. One that's filled with love, patience, understanding as well as endurance. You can't give up in the middle of the game. No matter how hard things get.




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This is the day of the big game. In which you have practiced so hard for. It is important to keep a clear, leveled head and stay focused. No slip ups, no mistakes. You want to win. Your team needs you to win. You have a huge responsibility to take them all the way. Whatever you do, do not let them down. They are holding you up, and supporting you. Therefore, you must give it all you’ve got.

Your marriage and family are members of your team. They need your best performance. Play the game, but play hard. Take everything that you learned during training as well as practice and apply it. You’ve gone through enough training that you know how this works. You know every play and evil tactic of the opponent. Keep your eyes forward and your head in the game. You cannot afford to lose.


Know your position as the man, husband and leader and choose to perform to the best of your ability. Exceeding expectations and going all in. Taking the time to do whatever it is necessary to build a marriage that was meant to last.

You‘ve got game. A lot of it. Use it to win and never lose. Know exactly what to do when you are facing a very difficult play. Your position and how you choose to function in it is crucial. You don't play to lose, you play to win. Keep your game tight and do not let anyone cause you to lose focus.






Things happen. Players no longer want to be bound by a contract. Some even become free agents. They are not in a contract with a particular team. Needless to say in the game of life, this can be very hurtful and create so many problems. When you enter marriage, that's it. You are locked. Signed, sealed and delivered. It is not a contract, but a covenant. A promise and a vow. One that cannot be broken because you want to experience a sense of freedom. Or because of another team that you think is a better fit for you.

With this team, you have to stay tough and hang in there. Things may be a little hard in the beginning, but you must give each other time to get adjusted. Learning each other, and doing whatever it takes to get along and keep functioning. Everything will be okay, hang in there. Focus only on one another, and never abandon your position. They simply cannot function without you and you likewise.


– CEO, Adora

Our CEO recently gave a speech at the company seminar to 500 business leaders on future plans for the company. Read our her message to the company on @reallygreatsite.

The bottom line is, there's someone else involved other than you. In which you must consider them as well. Their wants, needs, concerns, and the list continues. Stop buying into what you have heard, read or believe. Marriage is not about a man or his needs. It's about the marriage. It's about the family. It's about growing up, not giving up. Learning how to love, listen, and doing whatever it takes to keep it functional and from falling apart.

This is real life, with real people who have real issues. In which you are responsible for. Marriage is not you getting up and walking away in the middle of it because you grow tired, weary, get hurt, and so on. It's about strength and endurance. Picking up the pace, moving forward doing what it takes to win. To accomplish, to grow, and so much more.

What's in for you next month?

March 3: Family Day

March 15: Company Security Day

March 20: Technology Course Recruitment Drive


On or off the field you must have the will, motivation and be driven to perform. Someone is always watching . Monitoring you closely to see how you function in your marriage, relationships, family and life period.There is nothing you do or have done that has gone unnoticed. From every play, fumble, offensive foul, you name it, it’s being recorded. There is someone in authority that knows every play in the book. So be very careful not to give a sloppy performance. You must get in the game. Stay in the game and keep functioning.


Everyone knows that a lot of practice goes a long way. It strengthens you and prepares and equip you for the big game. As the old saying goes “practice makes perfect.” You want to perfect every area of your life. Within your home, family and beyond. Identifying much needed improvement in every way. Never giving rom for anything less than your best.

You want to keep trying until you have mastered your skills. Your wife and family need you to master marriage, your leadership role, and everything you desire in life. They are apart of you and you’re responsible for them. They simply can’t win if you lose. Take care of your team and lead them to victory.


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